Zach Griner – Finance Supervisor
As a leader in the construction and engineering space, Kiewit manages billions of dollars in labor, materials and equipment sourced …
As a leader in the construction and engineering space, Kiewit manages billions of dollars in labor, materials and equipment sourced …
Kiewit is proud to participate in this opportunity to help strengthen and grow partnerships between the private sector and universities …
Matt Alves has both Bachelor and Master of Accounting degrees from Texas A&M University. Prior to working at Kiewit, he …
Graceson Wyatt, data strategy intern, works with the Data Strategy and Transformation team to create effective financial processes for the company. She previously interned with …
Austin Gay, an analyst within Kiewit’s operations finance group, knew early in the interview process with Kiewit that, upon joining the company, he would be placed …
Kiewit often undertakes landmark projects such as the Calcasieu Pass project. When Benjamin Mitchell came to Kiewit a year ago, …
Data strategy and technology are becoming increasingly important in companies — and Kiewit is no exception. As these practices develop …
Kiewit may not be the first company someone pursing a business degree would consider for potential employment. However, because of …
Kiewit employees thrive when placed in environments that allow for them to utilize their skillsets to create meaningful work. Jeffrey …
Kiewit Estimating Manager Anayeli Martinez-Real shares her Kiewit adventure and her grassroots effort to encourage more young people to join …